365-Day Writing Challenge: Why Do It And How To Not Fail
Am I crazy for taking on a 365 day writing challenge? Perhaps. Countless people have done something similar. But posting a blog entry everyday for a year? That might be a tad ambitious.
Nonetheless, the movie Julie and Julia inspired me, except this isn’t a food blog. Instead, it's a business blog encompassing ghostwriting, marketing, mindset, and everything in between, with personal stories sprinkled throughout. After all, purely business-focused blogs can be a wee bit dry.
“Your intuition knows what to write, so get out of the way.” - Ray Bradbury

In case you're unfamiliar, Julie & Julia tells the story of two women who “discover that with the right combination of passion, fearlessness and butter, anything is possible.” Mmm… butter. (Quote courtesy of Columbia Pictures.)
Moreover, many authors have shared how writing challenges helped them dig themselves out of creative slumps one word at a time. They’ve penned novels, short stories, and numerous articles.
However, few have published their work daily. Except perhaps on social media platforms.
So how do I even plan on writing everyday for a year?
Thankfully, the internet has proven strategies, and I found a lovely, straightforward resource:
Step 1: Set a Schedule.
As a busy, self-employed mom, this is a MUST. I've chosen to write first thing in the morning. The completion time may vary depending on the day's events, but I WILL get it done!
Step 2: Create the “Write” Space.
Check! Kitchen counter near the snacks works perfectly.
Step 3: Track Progress.
I'll track my progress by posting these blogs and noting the word count at the end—both for each post and cumulatively for the challenge.
I also aim to write a minimum of 500 words per post, though some topics may have up to 2,500+ words.
Step 4: Set ACHIEVABLE Goals.
I emphasize "achievable" because I tend to set lofty goals.
Honestly, I want to:
1 - Hone my storytelling skills.
2 - Test and enhance my content marketing abilities as a ghostwriter.
3 - Build that consistency muscle.
4 - Grow my email list to share juicier stories with more people.*
*If you’re interested (and want a freebie to help develop your own daily writing habit), hop over here.
Step 5: Read and Take Breaks
Essential for fostering healthy creativity.
Step 6: Love thy mistakes
Look, if I’m posting everyday, I gotta slay that perfectionist dragon ASAP.
And part of that includes loving and learning from mistakes that will be made along the way.
Step 7: Support system
My husband, mom and business bestie are well-acquainted with my quirky mind, so they'll keep me in check and provide feedback. Plus, I know if all else fails, at least three people will read these!
If you're reading this and want to join (even if you find this well after it's posted), comment below and let me know! I love supporting fellow writers.
Step 8: One day at a time… literally.
A daily blogging journey sounds intense (there’s that perfectionist dragon talking). So it’s important to give myself grace and not get discouraged.
If I miss a day, that’s just an extra day added to the writing challenge.
If I miss a week, I might be going through something.
If I miss any more than that, send help!
Regardless, I'll complete 365 posts for this challenge, aiming to finish by the end of 2025.
Why do this?
In short, I hit a creative rut.
I enjoy writing and storytelling with every fiber of my being, but sometimes the creative well dries up.
While in my "thinking box" (aka the shower), the idea came to me. Naturally, I thought back to Julie and Julia.
I loved the idea of Julie sharing her experience with each recipe and giving readers a peek into her life.
She was at a low in her life and felt drained, so she committed to doing something crazy! Well, crazy for her because her partner called out how she has a hard time sticking to anything.
Sound familiar? It did to me, too.
So here I am, writing this first post.
What will I write about?
Fear not, I have a plan.
Like I mentioned step 4, one of my goals is to improve my content marketing skills as a ghostwriter, so I developed my content pillars first and foremost.
So expect topics on:
→ Brand Strategy
→ Ghostwriting
→ Marketing
→ Storytelling Psychology, and
→ Mindset
Can I really write 365 days’ worth of content on these? That’s roughly 73 posts per category.
You bet!
So now what?
Well, if you’re interested in following along as a reader or participating, let me know. It’s nice to know I’m not speaking into the inter-void.
Most importantly, I also hope to inspire other readers to challenge themselves. Whether it’s painting, filming, planning… whatever is considered your passion, natural talent, and/or unique expertise.
You have a unique YOU-nique gift in you, and I hope you intend to share it with the world, whether that’s the literal world, your kids, your friends, or whatever “world” means to you.
Word Count: 855
Word Count (so far): 855